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NEW EDITION Preziosa Max Reger Complete Organ Works &  Complete Bach Organ Arrangements Rosalinde Haas Albiez Organ, Frankfurt/Niederrad MDG 102 2289-2  14 CDs  ​Musikproduktion Dabringhaus und Grimm


Max Reger

(1873 – 1916)


Complete Organ Works

Complete Bach Organ Arrangements

Rosalinde Haas
Albiez Organ, Frankfurt/Niederrad


MDG 102 2289-2

14 CDs

Price: 79,99 €





Max Reger's complete organ works, now reissued in the "Preziosa" series, are among the editorial feats that have become a hallmark for MDG. In its early years, the label would hardly have dared to undertake such a mammoth project had it not been for the initiative of an important sponsor. The 14-CD recording with Rosalinde Haas at the Albiez organ in Frankfurt-Niederrad set new standards - also due to the organist's passionate playing style, which radically shook the dust off the Reger tradition.




Reger and his friend Karl Straube could not agree on the tempo even then: the experienced organ virtuoso preferred a more measured tempo, which opposed Reger's impetuousness. Haas, on the other hand, takes Reger and his tempo markings at their word - and shortens many a work usually regarded as expansive by half...



The Albiez organ in Niederrad, with its mechanical action, is ideally suited for playing fast - far better than the pneumatic instruments that were just emerging in Reger's day. This skilful attribute allows for extremely colourful registration, which Haas knows how to use with witty humour: "O dass ich tausend Zungen hätt" (“Oh if I had a thousand tongues“) is befittingly registered with reed voices (which Reger would have called “Zungenstimmen“)




After only two recording sessions, the sponsor turned out to be bankrupt. Nevertheless, with considerable effort the project continued; two albums with Bach arrangements were even added as an encore. An exceptional, one-of-a-kind project which has had a lasting influence on how Max Reger and his organ works are perceived.

"Ein Komponist, eine Interpretin, eine einzige Orgel und 14 CDs: Diese Gesamteinspielung des Orgelwerks, die vor mehr als dreißig Jahren abgeschlossen wurde, bleibt eine einzigartige Referenz. ... Illustriert mit seltenen Fotos und Anekdoten über den Kontext der Sessions, ergänzt durch eine Vorstellung des Komponisten, der Werke und Bemerkungen zur Interpretation: Diese vorbildliche Aufwertung trägt zum Joker Patrimoine bei, den sie offensichtlich verdient." - Crescendo BE

NEW EDITION Preziosa Max Reger Complete Organ Works &  Complete Bach Organ Arrangements Rosalinde Haas Albiez Organ, Frankfurt/Niederrad MDG 102 2289-2  14 CDs  ​Musikproduktion Dabringhaus und Grimm

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